When it comes to big-time concerts, Ticketmaster reigns supreme. And who’s in second place? That would have to be AXS.

AXS can be quite challenging to buy tickets. Preparing to buy tickets on AXS involves a different approach when compared to Ticketmaster. Here are some tips to help you secure those hard-to-get tickets.

Sign Up for for Presale Codes When Available

If you sign up for a fan club for your favorite musician or event, you may be able to get presale codes sent to your inbox. Other tips include:

  • Apply for credit cards such as American Express, Capital One and Citi as these companies often offer exclusive presales to popular events.
  • Sign up venue newsletters. On occasion, they will send presale codes to your inbox.
  • Follow artists on social media including Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok.

Get Online Using a Consistent and Rapid Connection

Having a dependable and fast internet connection is crucial if you want to buy tickets as soon as they are available. Because of the security risks and typically slower speeds associated with public Wi-Fi networks, you should avoid using them.

Use Multiple Devices

Your odds of success will rise if you use numerous devices, such as a desktop computer, laptop, tablet, and smartphone. Use any device you own to log into your AXS account. In the event that one of your devices encounters a slowness or other technical difficulties, this approach enables you to access many instances of AXS.

Don’t Login First

This may sound strange but on AXS it is best not to login first. From experience, you seem to move through the queue faster if you wait to login after you successfully cart tickets.

Choose the Correct Presale

AXS has you select which presale you will get in line for. Be sure you select the correct one. Otherwise, once you get through the virtual queue, your presale code won’t work and you will have to start all over.

Get to the Virtual Line First

To handle the surge of customers for popular events, AXS generally employs a virtual queue system. If you want to be ahead of the line when it opens, you need to go to the website early. Although being in line does not ensure that you will get a ticket, it does improve your chances. However, getting in line at the last minute will 100% ruin your chances.

Get in Line Multiple Times

Using software like SessionBox will allow you to get in virtual lines multiple times. So instead of being in line once, you can have 10+ positions in line. And at that point, all you have to do is monitor which line is moving the fastest.

Be Careful When Selecting Seats

There are times when AXS will force you to click on seats in order to add them to your card. Our advice is to click carefully and deliberately. Here is a good example of what we mean:

Let’s say that you have zoomed into a section to buy a pair of seats. You click on one and then go to click on the second. But instead of clicking on the “dot”, you accidentally click the background. At that point, AXS will automatically zoom out back to the entire floorplan forcing you to have zoom in again. And that is very annoying.

Don’t Refresh Too Often

Although it’s tempting, hitting the refresh button too many times can cause AXS’ system to consider your actions as bot-like. In fact, if you refresh too many times, you will eventually encounter an error that lets you know that your IP is banned from buying tickets the rest of the day.

In Summary

There is a lot more to getting ready to pull tickets on AXS than simply turning up when they go on sale. You can greatly improve your odds of getting tickets to even the most popular events by using numerous devices, making sure your internet connection is strong, not logging in first, taking part in presales, getting in line multiple times, not refreshing too often, and learning the best ways to use the AXS system.